Retreats & Events

Let’s reconnect, regenerate and root ourselves in magic. Gathering together in the ‘greening’ power of earth has been a fundamental orientation of all our Ancestors, and is the medicine we need right now. Biomancy retreats are a space to awaken your true magic potential, restore in peaceful and beautiful environments, explore and awaken your deep bioenergy fields and energy templates, and learn about fascinating new sacred science and spiritual wisdom.

Earth's Dreaming


Earth's Dreaming

Awakening Your Biodelic Blueprint

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Previous retreats

Spring 2021, Prama, Blue Ridge Mountains – Biomancy – Awakening Body Magic

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'Biomancy is the future...something that lives inside of me, inside of all of us, that wants so desperately to awaken and reconnect. For the last couple of years, earth has been calling, communicating with me, sometimes very clearly. Biomancy is a beautiful bridge between my mystical experiences and the grounded practical science. After diving into Azra and Seren's books over the last 18 months, I knew I would jump at the chance to work with them. Azra is a profound teacher - simplifying quantum psychics and biology and merging the spiritual principles and practices that live inside all of us. The work is shared in a very loving, welcoming and feminine way. I am eternally grateful to their many contributions that are so needed at this time.' 

Nicole, USA

'This retreat has been life changing on a cellular level. My cells are alive with the earth magic. I'll always carry this magic with me.' 

Tiffany, USA

'The presentation felt so approachable, interesting and exciting! I am excited to dive deeper into the magic of the earth and incorporate it into my work, routine and relationships. I've always had a strong connection with nature and I realise I was only scratching the surface.' 

Ben, Asheville 

'I've trained with a lot of teachers and attended a lot of trainings, retreats and workshops. But none have blown my mind, heart and womb like Azra's Biomancy retreat and course. It's like fireworks for my soul and evolution. It feels embodied and enchanted!' 

Jessilyn, USA 

'Completely eye opening. This work is amazing and speaks to my innate core beliefs. To have my lifetime of thinking galvanized and vindicated has been very powerful. Thank you.' 

Matt, USA

'The space was held with such magic, loving tenderness and powerful and playful integrity. Discovering how to embody nature and how to cultivate this ongoing relationship with all of existence within our bodies and our community. I never expected the magic to manifest so materially and immediately!' 

Dhyana, New York 

'Working with Azra has helped me open my heart to my loved ones, healed me from trauma and helped me walk my path. Giving me an environment and community to deepen my connection to my soul and life essence, and has helped me embrace a life of open hearted joy and powerful magic.' 

Freddie, New York

'This transformational work comes through deeply embodied, gentle, integrative teachings. The Biomancy course and retreat has re-awakened my trust, flow and joy to be in service at this time and feels as though it has breathed life back into every cell of my being. Thank you.'

Carol, NYC 

'This was a lovely 'time in' from my everyday responsibilities. It was incredibly nourishing! This space coaxes forth the innate magic in our beings by slowing down and tuning into the beautiful pulse of life and the magic of nature' 

Carol, NYC 

'Hard to put into words. I feel like a different human being who gets to be committed to a new, beautiful relationship with myself.' 

Robin, USA